Monday, May 13, 2019

Dollar General Customer Satisfaction Survey - Win Rewards

If you spare a few minutes to take part in the Dollar General customer satisfaction survey means DGCustomerfirst , you will earn yourself a chance to win a $100 gift card. To take part in the Dollar General customer satisfaction survey, you will need to have shopped in one of Dollar General stores recently. You will also need to have kept a copy of the receipt. The Dollar General customer satisfaction survey is aimed at collecting customer feedback. It is a simple survey and it shouldn’t take too much of your time. It is really just a matter of answering a few questions about your Dollar General shopping experience. Then you are entered into a sweepstakes draw, where you have a very good chance of winning a $100 Dollar General gift card.

Dollar General customer satisfaction survey objective(s)

The Dollar General customer satisfaction survey has one key objective: to obtain feedback from Dollar General customers. This is specifically feedback on whether the customers are satisfied with the merchandise and service offered at Dollar General stores. Through the survey, Dollar General management also gets feedback on how to improve customer satisfaction in the future.

Steps you need to follow, to participate in the Dollar General customer satisfaction survey

You first need to go to the site where the Dollar General customer satisfaction survey is run. The site’s address/URL is You only need to launch your browser and enter that address into the browser. You will then be almost instantly taken to that site, where you can take part in the survey.
When you get to the Dollar General customer satisfaction survey site, you will need to enter some details from your receipt. Those include the time of your visit to a Dollar General store, the store number and the survey code – all these being details that are easily obtainable from your receipt. Your bit is really simply to copy them from the receipt into the survey site.
Having entered the required details from your Dollar General receipt, click on the ‘Start’ button. The survey will then start running. Your part, at this stage, is simply to answer the questions candidly. Within a few minutes, you will have completed the survey.

How to earn an entry into the Dollar General customer satisfaction survey sweepstakes

You earn an entry into the sweepstakes the moment you complete the Dollar General customer satisfaction survey. As long as you entered your first and last name, phone number and email address in the course of the survey, you will have earned an entry into the sweepstakes. These are sweepstakes draws where you could win one of the 400 prizes of $100 Dollar General gift cards each.
  • Dollar General customer satisfaction survey site:
  • Dollar General customer satisfaction survey sweepstake rules:

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